Email: Zachary.ashton@onslow.k12.nc.us
Phone: 910-347-2808 Ext. 11006
Qualifications: Masters of Library Science, University of kentucky
Mr. Zachary Ashton
Hello I am Mr. Ashton and I am the Media Coordinator here at NWES
I Was born in Louisville, Kentucky. However, I was mostly raised in San Diego, so that's where I consider home. My Family Moved here in 2011 where I started at Richlands High School and graduated in 2014.
I LOVE BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!
My journey to becoming a librarian began in Middle School in San Diego and one simple question. My English class was in the library one day and I noticed the librarian (Mrs. C) was having difficulties with the tech. It was then I asked the question that would lead me to a career path, "Is there anything I can do to help?" She was grateful and said I could write the due dates on the card on the back of the book.
I love the outdoors but have never been into sports, so one day I went back and asked if I could help again and learned how to shelf books. From then on i was in there every morning, lunch recess break, and afternoon helping where I could. Fast forward to today and I have over 11 years of library experience in some way (volunteered, paid, intern, etc). This is my first year in a non-college level academic library so I am learning right along-side your children.
I love to create life-long readers and to encourage kids to push themsleves to new heights while also learning that it is ok to make mistakes and not be perfect right away.